Stress is part of everyday life for people because it is a normal body reaction. Its function is to avoid danger and to help us survive. No one is immune to stress and this can puts your emotional well-being at stake.

However, frequent or unrelenting stress damages health leading to emotional and physical pain and misery, which can lead to breakdowns.


Physical Stress

Stress is a contributing factor in most disease progression. Physical breakdowns are readily apparent:

  • Recuring or chronic illness
  • Severe or on-going pain
  • Decreasing energy and activity
  • Sleeping problems
  • Chronic muscular tension


Emotional Stress

Relational stress, including internal conflict, is often overlooked. Emotional breakdowns can be apparent, but perhaps go unnoticed:

  • Lack of interest or motivation
  • Withdrawal and isolation from social situations
  • Anxiety and fear
  • Disrupted attention and concentration
  • Changes in attitude and morale

According to Dr. Charles Stanley...

“More and more scientific and medical researchers are finding that a significant number of serious diseases – including some of the most deadly – are chronic in nature, related to our lifestyle choices and linked to the way we think or process our emotions. Anger certainly is one of the negative emotions that has been linked to a wide variety of ailments. Our human body was not created to accommodate long-term anger. The medical profession currently puts high cholesterol, smoking, and anger on equal footing when it comes to their detrimental influence. Anger has both immediate and lasting effects.”

According to Paul Hemp...

“Being at work but not fully functioning can cut individual productivity by one third or more. It appears to be more costly than its productivity reducing counterpart, absenteeism, productivity loss resulting from real health problems (meaning progressive conditions like heart disease or cancer which generate a company’s direct health-related costs—the premiums a company pays to an insurer) Presenteeism, on the other hand, focuses on such chronic or episodic ailments as seasonal allergies, asthma, migraines, & other kinds of headaches, back pain, arthritis and gastrointestinal disorders, depression…”

 – Harvard Review

It is easy to see that emotional well-being is essential to a person’s health and your employee’s personal well-being is essential to the health of your company.

When a person is upset, withdrawn, or silent, their emotional needs must be met first before taking any other approach. Knowing how to address stress and use it productively benefits employees and their workplaces.

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Corporate Touch restores bodies in business with massage therapy, wellness workshops and coaching - each highly valuable in maximizing the health of your organization, not just your bottom line. We help you recognize the parallels between bodies and business and put them to work!


"How you run your body is how you run your business. That's the bottom line."